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What are the advantages of cast iron parts over other parts?

What are the advantages of cast iron parts over other parts?

time:2023/7/7 0:00:00 browse:

1. Good repeatability and casting characteristics;

2. The surface smoothness of cast iron parts is high;

3. The sand core and core making department were canceled, and Casting defect and waste products caused by core making and core laying were eliminated;

4. Not conforming to the box and not taking the mold, simplifying the molding process, Casting defect and waste products caused by taking the mold and combining the box;

5. Adopt dry sand molding without binder, water and any additives to eliminate various Casting defect and waste products caused by water, additives and binders;

6. The sand treatment system has been simplified, and all molding sand can be reused. The molding sand preparation department and waste sand treatment department have been eliminated;

7. Easy sand removal reduces the workload and labor intensity of sand removal;

8. The cast iron parts have no flash or burr, reducing the cleaning and polishing workload by more than 50%;

9. Reasonable shaped gating and riser can be set in ideal positions, which is not restricted by traditional factors such as parting and mold taking, reducing the internal defects of cast iron castings;

10. Negative pressure pouring is conducive to the filling and shrinkage of liquid metal, and improves the density of the structure of cast iron castings;

11. Combined casting, with multiple pieces in one box, improves the process yield and production efficiency of cast iron castings;

12. Reduced machining allowance and reduced machining costs;

13. It is easy to achieve mechanized automatic assembly line production, with high elasticity, and can achieve the production of cast iron parts of different alloys, shapes, and sizes on one production line;

14. The draft angle can be cancelled;

15. The service life of the metal mold used can reach over 100000 times, reducing the maintenance cost of the mold;

16. Dust, smoke and Noise pollution have been reduced, the working environment of foundry workers has been reduced, and the labor intensity has been reduced. Industries dominated by male workers can become industries dominated by female workers;

17. Simplified process operations and reduced requirements for workers' technical proficiency;

18. The shape of the parts is not limited by traditional casting techniques, freeing mechanical designers to freely design the ideal shape of cast iron parts based on their performance;

19. Can reduce the weight of cast iron parts;

20. Reduced production costs;

21. The factory design is simplified, fixed assets investment can be reduced by 30-40%, floor area and building area can be reduced by 30-50%, and power consumption can be reduced by 10-20%;

22. The cast iron casting process is widely used, not only for casting steel and cast iron, but also for casting copper, aluminum, etc;

23. The cast iron casting process is not only suitable for cast iron castings with simple geometric shapes, but also for cast iron castings with multiple edges, multiple cores, and complex geometric shapes that are difficult to master in ordinary casting;

24. The cast iron casting process can achieve pouring under microseismic conditions, and the formation of required metallographic structure is conducive to improving the internal quality of cast iron castings;

25. Combined casting in dry sand makes it easy to remove sand and synchronize temperature, so waste heat can be used for heat treatment. Especially the water edge treatment of high manganese steel cast iron and the solution treatment of heat-resistant cast steel have very ideal effects, which can save a lot of energy and shorten the Makespan;

26. By utilizing the cast iron casting process, any size of cast iron can be completed according to the melting capacity.



